Monday 20 May 2013

May 12 - May 18, 2013

I bought a new bike helmet this week. It's sky blue with yellow-green flowers and purple fronds (not to worry, I haven't lost my marbles - the flowers and fronds are painted on the helmet, not attached and waving in the breeze). I know it still sounds ghastly but it's actually quite swell. It's a helmet from Nutcase and on the back is written - I love my brain. 
Here's another week's worth of brooches.

This was the brooch that my Mom was wearing on her last Spring coat. She only wore one circle, but I wore both today for Mother's Day. A circle to me represents eternity and that's for how long I will love her.

A very tarnished silver bow - unpolished but well-loved. Bought this in Hazelton Lanes in Toronto a looooong time ago. Our pockets were a bit deeper then.

It's been difficult wearing a favourite brooch and knowing you won't be wearing it for a while. I love this brooch; again another enamel on copper. I think of Sunday mornings having a cup of tea, or a winter's day with a mug of cocoa. It's unhurried time.

This used to have a banner running along the bottom with Toulon engraved on it. I wish nowadays a little tourist pin would be as charming as these old Toulon ones. I think this is 2 out of 4 pins from there.

I have lost count how many feline pins I have. I like the quietness, calmness of this kitty. I think our cats are only that way when we aren't at home.

My husband used to play in a Bluegrass band back in the seventies and played all over Ontario with occasional forays across Canada. I bought this brooch for him, just to represent the many places they ate in. 

I like the simple lines of this porcelain elephant. And I do so love these noble beasties.

Sunday 12 May 2013

May 5 - May 11, 2013

There are many good things about rainy days in the Springtime.... The grass greens up, the flowers get fed, the car gets washed for free. It's been a sunny week so I've been flying by on my bicycle, but on Friday walking home in the rain I stopped and smelled the flowers on so many trees and shrubs. Glorious!

And speaking of glorious, merci beaucoup M. Gustave Eiffel for my Tour.

If you ever go to London, England, go to the Tate Modern. Fab, fab, fab! (yes, tis  another one of our vacation picture brooches)

This is the twinkliest of my twinkly brooches. So, I've pondered why - is it the cut, is it the glass, is it because I haven't had it for long so it hasn't mingled with many of my brooches yet. I ponder still.

A very little Union Jack pin. I expect it was worn as a lapel pin. I wonder if the flag would change if any of the 3 countries separate from England. I'm of two minds about it, well actually three because I'm from the British melting pot of Scotland, Ireland and England (sadly, no Welsh).

A battered but well-loved brooch from my childhood. The glass eyes, some legs and both tails are missing from the critters, the cowboy is now one-armed and no lasso, and the steer ran alongside the horse instead of  now running downhill. But, the spring is still intact joining the two together so the steer still "runs" when you tap it. Surprisingly, I have fared better than this brooch. And I just realized as I was wearing this brooch that it is at least a half century old. YIKERS!!!!!!!!!

Back-to-back cowboys, tres strange, must be something in the air. I've never seen The Calgary Stampede - been there on the Fair Grounds but didn't get to see the cowboys strut their stuff. And this guy is strutting real fine.

I like the funkiness of this pin. It almost looks like something you would have made at camp. I like the "I don't care that the stitches aren't all even around the border and that's OK with me" quality. 

Sunday 5 May 2013

April 28 - May 4, 2013

It has started. You: hear a bird song; don't know what it is; dig out the binos; scan the trees and shrubs; find bird high above your head; see a partially obscured view of its underside; hear it tootle a few more notes as it flies to a distant tree. Urggggggg! 
Here are this week's brooches.

As a kid I watched The Mickey Mouse Club. I would sing with the Mouseketeers, moon over Spin and Marty, and sign off with Jimmy and the gang....MIC...See you real soon...KEY....Why, because we like you......MOUSE. And I guess that's why I have this mouse pin. Sweet memories.

Look at the cat's face. You know it's up to no good and plotting some dastardly deed.

Turtles are a favourite creature of mine. This guy looks like he's swimming, enjoying the sunshine, and heading for a log to join his mates. 

No use looking in Peterson's Guide Book - this one ain't there. Recently bought this brooch. It's a Takahashi-inspired bird brooch - as so written on the price tag. Google here I come.

Yes, j'aime the Eiffel Tower, as most of you know. This one looks like it's in an old-fashioned picture frame, with a lovely wash of sunset colours behind La Tour. C'est belle.

Sprigs of flowers look lovely in vases and in brooches. This one is particularly charming - with the spray of flowers running up through the sparkly horseshoe.

Don't you love amber. Don't you love arachnids - well, maybe not but I like this brooch. It's the season of spiders running around our house, with the cats chasing them around the house. The cats should just come and sit on my side of the bed at nighttime, as the spiders always end up looking down at me from the bedroom ceiling.