Saturday 20 July 2013

June 30 - July 6, 2013

Yes, it's catch-up time again, I'm a few weeks behind. From what I recall there was no dilly-dallying on my bike on the way to work as I was always dodging raindrops.
Here's 7 more brooches.

Computers are fun to play on especially with your photos. This is a vacation photo of  l'Arc de Triomphe. On our first trip to Paris, we raced across the road to the Arc not knowing there was an underground tunnel that you could safely wander through. Those Parisians with their little cars don't slow down for nobody.

Today was Canada Day. I bought this pin at the World Fair, Expo 67 in Montreal (in of course 1967). It did have a chain with a smaller pin with a leaf and Montreal on it attached to the turtle mais je ne sais pas where it is. On a happier note, I can still sing "'s the hundredth anniversary of Confederation, everybody sing together,  Canada......"

Another favourite brooch - a small ceramic tile which I've had for decades. I like the use of just a few colours and that very substantial bird. I remember spending a while deciding on which brooch to buy as I liked so many of them. Hope everyone who has one likes theirs as much as I do. 

Felix the Cat has a great face (and name). By the way, this button is "not suitable for children under 5 years old". It says so on the button. A thought leap - on our way up to Bancroft and beyond, for years we passed a cottage sign that read Frank T. Mole. Perfect! (And yes, we coveted that sign.)  

Hooray, strawberry time. They are super nummy this year.

A work buddy gave this brooch to me. She had bought it for her Mom, Madge, on the British Columbia coast. When her Mom passed on, she gave this to me for my collection. 

Leaping swordfish Batman ( I was a fan of that T.V. show). I like the flick of the tail. Can you feel the spray? What more can I say.

Sunday 7 July 2013

June 23 - June 29, 2013

Summer's just a few days old. I'm watching my freckle count in anticipation of a bumper crop this year. We shall see.
 The next 7 brooches:

I've never had an orange stripey cat - but I've never known one that wasn't a character - Mama Rouge and Snuffy of many years past were distinctive farm kitties. I thought this was my last one of these cat brooches, but there is still one to go, lucky you.

An artistic niece made this muchos years ago. I have earrings to match.....

I love old brooches. I've always liked spray of flowers, and especially the bluish glass with the silver on this one. When I saw this one last year, I couldn't resist it.

Remember the Soviet Union? Remember the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow? This is Misha, the mascot for those games. Again, a brooch from a travelling friend.

I saw Mikhail Baryshnikov dance in a kilt at Ontario Place in Toronto back in the seventies - lucky kilt! I don't recall what the ballet dance was, but I oh so remember him in that kilt. Granted, this fleet of foot pig is not wearing a kilt; but my, how a mind can leap.

I bought this on my honeymoon in Scotland in the 198os. The price is still attached to the back - 2 pounds 60 p. This brooch and beautiful Scotland brings back many good memories.

Yippee! La Tour de France has started. A friend recently gave me this brooch as she knows of my addiction to watching La Tour. But......I miss my Zabel!

Monday 1 July 2013

June 16 - June 22, 2013

I've been getting compliments on my bicycle helmet as I "zoom" around town. I guess a sky blue helmet with green fronds and purple flowers is a bit noticeable. Happy cycling everyone! 
The next seven.

I gave this to my husband years ago. The best thing is that you never have to fumble again with tying a Windsor knot (?) with a tie like this.

Another white cat, this time without the mug of beer that was on a previously seen brooch. I seem to have a pant load of these cat brooches, but I think there is only one left to see. I wish I could recall where I got these and why I bought them but it was tres long ago.

Another homemade brooch. It's The Birth of Venus (I think of it as Venus on the Half- Shell - thanks for the name Mr. Trout) by Botticelli. We saw other frescoes with this same beautiful redhead in the Louvre. They are jaw-droppingly wonderful. When I was picking up a Timmies - medium, cream and sugar - the teenager behind the till was staring at this brooch. I blathered on about what it was until her eyes starting to glaze over - I think confusion reigned.

We used to spend some early summer days at a cottage where in the distance you would hear the soft sounds of a cow bell from the hill across the way. On this brooch, I like how the cow is still except for the swish of the tail - those damn blackflies......

A funky brooch from A One of a Kind Show. This is the only time I wear high high heels.

I'm not sure what this is. I've always thought it was a flower - well, turn your head sideways to the left (The pic should be vertical) and you might see what I mean. But, it's open to interpretation. Carol, what do you think?

There are white squirrels in Toronto. There's a wonderful park on Queen Street West, Trinity Bellwoods, where if you're lucky you'll spy one. A  friend spontaneously removed this pin from her shirt and gave it to me. I'm a squirrel lover I have to admit.