Sunday 16 June 2013

June 2 - June 15, 2013

 I've been asked a number of times if I have enough brooches to blog for a year. A while ago I counted them up, so now I know approximately how many brooches I have - approximately, since I kept losing count. Alas, the number wasn't a year's worth. I have lots left, will blog til I run out, then come back for the Christmas array. And then, when I get a week's worth of new ones I will blog them.
Here's the next 7.

I've had this feathery bird for a long time. I like how the bird is plowing through the air. Even though it doesn't look like a merganiser, to me I think of it as one of those. (Methinks though that a kitty has gummed it a bit).

I like Haida design so was pleased as punch when a friend brought this back from a toot out West.

Today is Queen Elizabeth's 60th Anniversary of her coronation. This is worn for her as no doubt when she's not arrayed in gown and crown, she lets her hair down and dances the bug-a-boo.

Another Brit bus that I bought in the London Underground. We rode one of these coming back from the theatre one night - a double decker bus for sure, but the front end of this bus brooch looks a bit screwpy.

This penguin always needs a bath before I wear him - he collects dust (like the rest of my house). He wouldn't have that problem if he lived in the Antarctic.

Another travel pin. This is a view looking up one of the allees (sorry, no can do make an accent) of the Tuileries to the Louvre. Lots of poodle and tiny dog sightings.

It's an armadillo, and I guess the Texas flag courtesy of a travelling kin.

1 comment:

  1. Another great week of pins. Haida brooch is my favourite but the London bus has such great memories for me too.
